50 In Calf Cows for Sale in the UK Cows are calving between the months of February,and March 25 . All are 3rd and 4th Lactation. Genuine reason for sale as herd is being reduced. Herd production 5,000 litres 5.0% Fat 4.0% Protein. The herd is currently averaging 16 litres.
TB clear and the farm has not had TB for at least 8 years. Vaccinations BVD, IBR and Lepto.
All February calvers are incalf to Belgian Blue AI and the cows not AI are calving in March and Incalf to a Hereford stock bull.
All cows are out of AI Sires and there is a mix of Irish, Scandinavian and New Zealand genetics. For all enquiries or to arrange viewings please contact Shane on +44 7762 007371