Fifty In Calf Cows For Sale in the UK

 Fri, 27th Sep, 2024

50 In Calf Cows for Sale in the UK Cows are calving between the months of February,and March 25  . All are 3rd and 4th Lactation. Genuine reason for sale as herd is being reduced. Herd production 5,000 litres 5.0% Fat 4.0% Protein. The herd is currently averaging 16 litres.
TB clear and the farm has not had TB for at least 8 years. Vaccinations BVD, IBR and Lepto.
All February calvers are incalf to Belgian Blue AI and the cows not AI are calving in March and  Incalf to a Hereford stock bull.
All cows are out of AI Sires and there is a mix of Irish, Scandinavian and New Zealand genetics.                                                                                                                                                          For all enquiries or to arrange viewings please contact Shane on +44 7762 007371 
